Get Involved!

Looking for information about Autumn written by Peter Quilter and Directed by Cat Thomas?
Click here - AUDITIONS


It takes so much more than just actors to put on a show! We depend entirely on volunteers – like you! No experience necessary but if you have special interests or talents, we’ll find something wonderful for you to do! Our shows are full of volunteers who offer their gifts of time and talent. Some work one show and some enjoy it so much, they come back to do more.

We are currently looking for:

  • Ushers and Greeters for upcoming shows. Stand at the door and say hello to old friends and new. And when the show opens, slip in and watch the play for free!
  • Front of House staff to accept tickets and help with concessions. If you love the smell of coffee, this job is for you.
  • Lighting and Technical Assistants for upcoming shows. This isn’t as difficult as it sounds and we’ll even train you! If you can push a button, you can do this.
  • Set builds – Ladies, if you need to get hubby out of the house, send him over with a hammer and we’ll put him to work. Of course, women have that stylish vision, so bring your own hammer and we’ll let you work out your frustrations on something creative.
  • Graphic design and advertising, website and email assistants. Creative types and social butterflies need to apply.
  • Directors – Bring your own play or come and peruse those that we have our eyes on for upcoming shows


Actors and Actresses. If you have an interest, we encourage everyone to audition regardless of your acting experience. We all started somewhere! No previous acting necessary, but if you have it, it’s a plus. Our goal is to make this experience a fun and rewarding one for all involved.

For more information or to volunteer, call us at (910) 447-2586 or email us at

Audition details for specific performances are provided on our homepage.